Monday, August 01, 2005

Ups and Downs

A frustrating few days with the computer. I was having registry problems (for you non-computer folk, that translates as fingernails on the blackboard) and, not having the proper software tools to fix the problem I decided to go to a local tech store and give them my money rather than download something online.

I didn't choose the most famous name in software tools, nor the cheapest. Something right in the middle. I got home, did some tinkering here and there, walked Max and, early in the evening I sat down to get the problem fixed.

I installed the software. It didn't go smoothly. I hacked my way through the process though and got it installed.

Bad things instantly began to happen. Programs wouldn't run, error messages popped up over and over again and, when I tried to reboot the system got stuck in an endless loop of trying to re-partition the hard drive.

I curse, I swear, I beat my head against the desk...then I apologize to Max for my histrionics and take him for a walk. That makes things seem a little bit better.

Next morning I log on and write a few emails, make a few journal entries and then start work on the registry problem again. I know that I need to leave for my folks' house soon so I decide to batten down the hatches and run the "powertool" to identify the problems and get them fixed. I think I was suffering from the head injury from the night before because I didn't anticipate problems - I just did it.

Then all hell broke loose. Nothing worked. I tried to do a search and the program window came up blank. My task bar started to disappear over and over again. Error messages plastered my screen like internet pop-up advertisements.

I am left with one option. I must start from scratch and restore the system to its original state and then spend the next few weeks customizing it again.

I am sad.

And then, to make matters worse, I got an email from friend Dan today informing me that the More Drama Tour has been canceled.

Very sad.

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