Atlanta based duo PerkinsWood have released a new CD that, despite the fact that I have a vested interest in the success of the product (I took the album cover photo,) is really worth more than a passing listen. In fact, it's worthy of grabbing your shades, putting the top down on the old convertible, heading out to Route 66 and cranking the stereo. Definite cruising music, suitable for gulping bottles of Orange Crush and feeling the wind in your hair - if you've got any hair, that is.
Son of Sparkle, the second release by this wife and husband team, is not easy to categorize. Just they way they like it I'm sure. Purely instrumental, the guitars and occasional keyboards weave in and out, sometimes presenting a humable melody, sometimes challenging your concept of harmony; sometimes causing prescient flashes of a future that features colors not yet visible to the human eye and sometimes triggering episodes of nostalgic deja vu. In fact, upon the first several listens I was sure that someone in the band was channeling Steven Stills or Jorma Kaukonen circa 1967.
Quite notable is the mixing and engineering. There is a quality to the sound in general that is solid and full of flavor - something that is missing in most commercial musical releases these days.
Stand out tracks include Ride, Move, Float Trip, Triangle Boy and the challenging yet quite listenable epic The Wedding Murders.
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