What I'm displaying are not difficult pictures at all. Nothing too challenging, but neither have I offered up images of crying clowns or big eyed waifs. Perhaps I should.
The space is a modern rotunda of sorts. There is an open round area where there are offices and payment windows, and there is a stairway with a landing that's about 10 steps up then splits into two staircases that lead up to the second floor. On the landing there is a wonderful space for paintings and I chose to hang Ocean Interface there. I thought it was beautiful!

From the comments that I heard while installing the rest of the pictures I guess I was wrong.
"What...what is this?"
"I could do that!"
"They call this art? I call it 'stupid'."
I bit my lip. I wasn't going to say anything - and I didn't.
Now, I know that I'm no Rembrandt. I know that there are those who have the ability to capture even the most base imagination, the most uncultured neuron, and I may not be one of those people, but I'm no hack.
I didn't think it would bother me, but see...I'm writing about it the next day. Obviously, my skin ain't nearly as thick as I thought it was.
The exhibition continues through the end of June at the Boone County Government Office Building, 803 E. Walnut St. Columbia, Missouri, 65201
Hey Will...you can view dear,beautiful Stuarts art at meta4.blogspot.com
Hi Stuart! Pam here - John B.'s partner. I just happened to find your website through getting a copy of the Art Sluts cd from Ann and seeing a link to your site from her site. I have to comment on the things folks said about your beautiful painting "Ocean Interface":
1. "I can do that" People who say this are obviously jealous that you actually have the guts to paint and they wish they would let themselves be that brave. The comment really translates to "I WISH I could do that" - pity these people...their souls are suffocating
2. "What...what is this?" The person who says this has no imagination and can't see past their own nose. Art doesn't have to look exactly like what inspired it.
3. "They call this art? I call it 'stupid'." This person (apart from being mean) is STUPID and wouldn't be moved by even the most sublime sunset presented by the Cosmos itself - they are the ones that want to see the crying clown paintings...
Ok - Enough psycho-babble and jabs at wannabe critics. I just find it very annoying when people refuse to open their eyes and be moved by the color, texture, or the feeling of a work just because it doesn't look like something they are familiar with.
I haven't looked at your whole website yet, just the front page and this page, but I really like the paintings I have seen. What is your favorite medium?
Take care and don't let the comments of the wannabes and the ignorant get you down!
I like it! Very nice work!
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