Earlier this year I set up a page for myself on MySpace. I am not an addict in any sense of the word, but I do enjoy it and have met some interesting folk and have had more than a few interesting conversations.
Oddly enough, I have found that one of my blog entries has gotten some attention from some people and, in fact, they have mentioned reading it and re-reading it.
Wow. My first classic blog. And because it is restricted to MySpace users and I would like to possibly get some feedback from others, I reprint the February 27 missive here and now.
Originally posted in MySpace Blog by me. Falling in Like
I know better than to think that one can "fall in love" with someone over the internet. Falling in love, anyway, is a suspect occurrence as far as I'm concerned. We can "fall in lust" with someone; realize that based on pictures and detached text based conversations that we want to do the nasty with that virtual being that may be half way around the globe, but love, in my book at least, love takes time. Time to get to know, to share space, to become familiar with the various moods, scents, sounds and masks of the other. All that being said, I have discovered that it is very easy for me to "fall in like" with someone with nothing more than phone lines and data packets between us.
Yet, from time to time (and now is one of those times) I meet guys that make me feel kinda warm inside. I discover that I'm checking my email over and over again in case they may have messaged me. I go to their own web page and look at their pictures and try to imagine them in instances not bound by the rasters of the http world. And what is more, I find myself imagining having coffee with them, going to movies with them, cooking breakfast together, meeting their friends, their families. I imagine all of these things and more, I imagine not just having sex with them, but making love with them. These are very distinct things in my estimation - they often can go hand in hand, but not always.
It's not love, but isn't it more than just "like?" In many ways it is so....so domestic. It's not just lust because I've realized that I'm attracted to what that person says and how he presents himself. That can be just as (if not more) attractive than bulging biceps (though there's nothing wrong with bulging biceps...or bulging just about anything!) I can read their posted list of general interests, favorite movies, TV shows and books, and it's not just the subtle clues and queues to his erotic tastes (favorite TV characters: Grizzly Adams or Bill Goldberg, favorite occupation: cruising musclebound leatherbears) but the innocuous interests like Dungeons and Dragons, Rilke, geeky SciFi TV shows and unpopular (yet really cool) music - it is those things that feed my imagination.
I've met quite a few great people since I set up a MySpace profile for myself. It's a pretty neat system, despite its flaws. And of those great people, more than a couple have gotten the juices flowing. And of those that have gotten my juices flowing there are a few: three, two, one...that make me really want to have a taste - I want to be more than just virtual friends, I want to hear and tell more than just glib aphorisms that cater to a general population. I want to maintain the "lust" and explore the "like" and keep the possibility of "love" alive.