Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year

Just a fast post to wish all of you who really do read this thing a Happy New Year! I've actually got a lot so say but no time to say it! Damn this change of life situation! I have yet to really get that final room cleaned up and the clutter is starting to spread again in the rooms that I have bulldozed through!

Max is doing fine. He likes the cool weather and has enjoyed having Pa around to take him for long walks these last two weekends.

Brokeback Mountain is finally showing in St. Louis and Kansas City, so I'm thinking that I will try to see it next weekend. If I can get Grandma and Grandpa to puppy sit for me that is.

I will try to write a proper post some time soon. Until then, be happy, be safe, be.


Anonymous said...

Stuart, I love reading your blogs; perhaps because I know you. But I love your observations, your poetry. I feel your pain and your suffering. You write with a clarity, a sparseness that speaks volumes. I wish i was able to be a greater part of your life, rather than a passer by on the sidewalk who stops and chats when we meet. I wish my life were different as well. I wish the poet inside were more vocal, I wish I could love more, I wish I, too, were free!
I wish you only good things and good people, and my love and concern, Michael

Anonymous said...

Bonne année l'artiste..que dieu te protége..