A O I O on MySpace
A friend of mine was listening to the music of my band, AOIO, the other day and he kept shaking his head.
"I just don't get it, Stuart. There's no melody, no drums, no pop hooks - how can you call this music?"
All I could say was, "at least you can dance to it!"
He looked at me with a dubious eye, as though I had just called the Pope "a conservative German Papist with expensive red Prada loafers and a Papal iPod" and said, "What do you mean 'You can dance to it?' There's absolutely NOTHING danceable about that stuff!"
Without missing a beat I responded, "It's because you're only using two legs to dance. Everyone knows that guys dance better when they use all three legs!"
Become a friend of A O I O and learn to dance on all three legs!
A O I O on MySpace