Wednesday, August 04, 2004

In a World of Idiots

I cannot accurately express my feelings of embarrassment and humiliation at the decision of the voters of the state of Missouri to amend the constitution to ban marriage between members of the same sex. It is already against the law, so why add it to the constitution? To codify discrimination? To demonstrate to the world that Missouri is in fact populated by inbred congenital idiots that use an ancient collection of religious books that they cannot hope to understand as some sort of guide to morality when, in fact, the gist of the teachings of those books is love, tolerance and NOT JUDGING YOUR FELLOW HUMANS....

I used to defend this state against the uppity East and West Coasters that wouldn't even spend a moment looking down on the backwater bergs and watering-holes of "the Show Me State." I would point out the presence of a world class symphony orchestra in St. Louis, two world class art museums, active, dynamic artistic and multi cultural communities all across the map, venerated universities and a history of spawning and nurturing brilliant minds from past to present. But, now, the state is reduced to this: Legislated discrimination and bigotry.

I am sad. I want to leave............